Accelerate Your Financial Planning Education and Experience with a Supportive Community
Learn what financial planning looks and feels like in real life!
Join 500+ aspiring and experienced financial planners in a community built on transparency, generosity, and curiosity.

Planning Lessons

50+ Templates
& Calculators

Presentations &
1-on-1 Mentorship

CFP Board
*Earn up to 700 Standard Pathway Experience hours on-demand + 50 per month ongoing (upon quiz completion), 30+ CE hours on-demand (upon quiz completion)
What are current members saying?

Jaaziel Palacios, EA
"Amazing Program! There's a baseline course outline that gives anyone much-needed exposure to different elements a planner can help their clients with. After the basics, there's a constant flow of new expert insights uploaded on a regular basis!"

Shane Sideris, CFA
"This course is a must for anyone who wants to become a serious financial planner. The curriculum serves as a trusted resource that I often refer to while building a financial plan for clients. It has helped me grow my business by significantly improving my financial planning skills."
Kevin Lam, CFP®
"I joined Measure Twice Planners expecting to learn from, and collaborate with fellow planners who value diligence, excellence, education, transparency and generosity, and who practice truly in the best interests of the families they serve. My expectations were much more than fully met!"
Kevin Estes, CFP®
"The Measure Twice Planners course is a treasure trove of financial planning insights! Cody’s intentionality, organization, and client experience obsession permeate the program. Above all, he embraces the individuality of personal finance. He explores hundreds of insights, teaching planners how to greet common misperceptions with empathy and harness positive mental accounting to drive positive client outcomes."

Jackie Cummings Koski, CFP®, MSPFP, AFC®
"Watching Cody's approach to Financial Planning was part of what inspired me to explore the profession. The way he leads with transparency and education is a huge credit to the field, and what he put together with MTP was like a breath of fresh air! He not only shows his process but also generously shares his resources and examples. It became the guide I needed to kick start my own business model."
Joe Petry, PhD, CFP®
"As a career changer, I completed the undergrad curriculum for financial planning, a Masters in planning, the CRPC, and the CFP. None of that was as practical nor as helpful as Measure Twice Planners. Cody has created a detailed how-to manual for financial planning. To master the material and add maximum value for the families they serve, MTP is a must."